Rolling Stone Magazine seems an unlikely place for insightful journalism about the world financial situation, as it's outside of their core area of the music scene. But over the last year they've published several excellent articles by Matt Taibbi (on wikipedia), a staff writer at Rolling Stone Magazine, about global finance, including:

Not everyone is a fan but I suspect that's mostly a result of non-insider trying to simplify things for the mainstream audience. He has many defenders, including the Columbia Journalism Review, and does pretty well at defending himself too.

Also Michael Lewis who wrote "Liar's Poker", an insider's view of Wall Street financial firms a couple of decades ago, has written a recent commentary on the end of an era (although as Matt Taibbi points out, it's hardly the first time that Wall Street has done things to excess and needed cleaning up).

ETA, 2010-04-02: Looting on Main Street, the latest article by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone.

ETA, 2010-04-25: Will Goldman Sachs prove greed is God?, an short piece by Matt Taibbi published in The Guardian.

ETA, 2010-04-30: The Feds vs Goldman, by Matt Taibbi in May 2010 Rolling Stone.