10 REM Ewen-Term loader v2.2b 20 REM 30 REM Written by Ewen McNeill, April 1991. 40 REM 50 SYMBOL AFTER 256:REM So that the symbol command can be used later 60 MEMORY &4FFF:REM This is important to the program - don't change it. 70 LOAD "chars.bin",&6800:LOAD "term22b.bin",&7000:REM loads in all the binary stuff 80 CALL &7000:REM install RSX's 90 MODE 2:DEFINT a-z:REM setup the screen (looks best in MONO, of course) 100 PEN 1:PAPER 0:INK 1,24:INK 0,0:BORDER 0:CLS 110 PRINT "Ewen-Term Communications program, v2.2b installed." 120 REM Now set up the Dart and 8253 130 OUT &FBDF,&X110110:OUT &FBDF,&X1110110:REM to 8253, don't change. 140 OUT &FBDC,52:OUT &FBDC,0:REM 2400 by default 150 OUT &FBDD,52:OUT &FBDD,0:REM 2400 by default 160 OUT &FADD,&X11001:OUT &FADD,0:OUT &FADD,&X110000:a=INP(&FADD):OUT &FADD,&X10000:a=INP(&FADD):REM reset some stuff in DART 170 OUT &FADD,4:OUT &FADD,&X1000100:REM /16, 1 stop bit, no parity 180 OUT &FADD,5:OUT &FADD,&X11101010:REM 8 bit tx, DTR and RTS true 190 OUT &FADD,3:OUT &FADD,&X11000001:REM 8 bit rx 200 KEY DEF 15,0,128,140,150 210 KEY DEF 6,0,13,13,13 220 REM