Imagine, not entirely hypothetically, that you have a client that needs you to work on multiple systems only accessible via https (where the domain name needs to match), all located behind the client's firewall. Further suppose that the only access they can provide to their network is ssh to a bastion host -- even while located in their physical office, only "guest" network access to the Internet is available. Assume, also not entirely hypothetically, that they have no VPN server. Finally assume, again not entirely hypothetically, that no software can be installed on the bastion host, and that it runs Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS (hey, there is at least a month of maintenance support left for that version...).

In this situation there are a few reasonable approaches that preserve the browser's view of the domain name:

  • an outgoing (forward) web proxy, supporting CONNECT

  • transparent redirection of outgoing TCP connections to a proxy

  • tricks with DNS resolution (eg /etc/hosts), possibly combined with one of the above.

I did briefly experiment with transparent redirection of the outgoing TCP connections (which works well on Linux: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT ...), but since I was working from a Mac OS X desktop system it was more complicated (Mac OS X uses pf, and pf.conf can include rdr statements to redirect packets, but intercepting locally originated traffic involves multiple steps and seems somewhat fragile and was not working reliably for me).

Instead I went looking for a way to implement a web forward proxy, on the bastion host. Since I could not install software on the bastion host, I needed to find something already installed which could be repurposed to be a forward proxy. Fortunately it turned out that the bastion host had been installed with apache2 (2.2.2), to support another role of the host (remote access to monitoring output). I then needed a configuration that could use apache2 in a forward proxy mode.

Apache 2.2 provides a forward proxy feature through mod_proxy, but it is definitely something you want to secure carefully as the documentation repeatedly warns. In addition the bastion host naturally was firewalled from the Internet to allow only certain ports to be reached directly, including ssh, so simply running a web proxy on some port on an Internet reachable IP was never an option.

To solve both of these problems I created a configuration to run another instance of Apache 2.2, with mod_proxy enabled in forward proxy mode, listening on localhost, that could be reached only via ssh port forward (based on examples from the Internet).

This involved creating a custom configuration to run Apache 2.2 with:


# Access control functionality
LoadModule authz_host_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

# Proxy functionality
LoadModule proxy_module         /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module    /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

# Logging
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogLevel warn
ErrorLog  logs/error.log
CustomLog logs/access.log combined

# PID file
PidFile   logs/

# Forward Proxy
ProxyRequests On

# Allow CONNECT (and thus HTTPS) to additional ports
AllowCONNECT 443 563 8080

as well as a section (in angle brackets) to match "Proxy *", which limited access to the proxy to localhost:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

(Full Apache 2.2 example config.)

Note that the above configuration will work only with Apache 2.2 (or earlier); the configuration for the Apache 2.4 mod_proxy, and other Apache features, changed significantly, particularly around authorization. (ETA, 2017-04-03: See end of post for update with Apache 2.4 configuration.)

The key features in the above configuration is that it loads the modules needed for HTTP/HTTPS proxying, and IP authentication, and then listens on for connections and treats those connections as forward proxy connections -- thanks to ProxyRequests On and the "Proxy *" section. The "Proxy *" section is intended to allow access only from localhost itself. It may be useful to also add user/password authentication to the proxy use.

Put the config in a directory, and then make a "logs" directory:

cd ....
mkdir logs

And create a simple wrapper script to start up the proxy on the bastion host (eg, called "go"):

#! /bin/sh
# Run Apache in forward proxy mode to be reached via ssh tunnel
exec apache2 -d ${PWD} -f ${PWD}/apache-2.2-forward-proxy.conf -E /dev/stderr

Then the proxy can be started up when needed with:

cd ....

and will run in the background. When run, you should see something listening on TCP/3128 on localhost on the bastion host, eg with netstat -na | grep 3128:

tcp      0       0*              LISTEN

From there, the next step is to ssh into the bastion host with a port forward that allows you to reach

ssh -L 3128: -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -4 -N -f HOST

which should cause ssh to listen on our local (desktop) system, here also on port 3128, so netstat -na | grep 3128 on the local system should also show:

tcp      0       0*              LISTEN

The final step is to set the proxy configuration of your web browser to use a web proxy at on port 3128, so that your web browser will use the proxy for HTTP/HTTPS connections. For Safari this can be done with Safari -> Preferences... -> Advanced -> Proxies: Change Settings..., which will open the system wide proxy settings. You need to change both "Web Proxy (HTTP)" and "Secure web proxy (HTTPS)" for this to work in most cases, ticking them and then setting the "Web Proxy Server" to "" and the port to "3128".

After that your web browsing should automatically go through the connection on your desktop system, via the ssh port forward to Apache 2.2/mod_proxy on the bastion host, and then CONNECT out to the desired system, giving a transparent HTTPS connection so that TLS certificate validation will just work.

To access from a command line client it is typically useful to set:

export http_proxy https_proxy

because most client libraries will look for those (lowercase) environment variables when deciding how to make the connection. This enables using, eg, web REST/JSON APIs from Python, with the proxy.

If the bastion host is restarted then the proxy will have to be manually restarted (as above); but if it is running on a legacy Linux install chances are that the client will be unwilling to reboot the host regularly due to being uncertain if it will boot up cleanly with everything needed running. I got through the entire project without having to restart the proxy.

The main catch with this configuration is that because the Safari proxy setting are system wide, they affect all traffic including things like iTunes. I worked around that by using another browser which had its own network connection settings (Firefox) for regular web browsing, and turning the proxy settings on and off as I needed them to work on that project. If this were to be a semi-permanent solution it might either be better to use a browser with its own proxy settings (eg, Firefox; or one in a VM) dedicated to the project, and leave the system wide settings alone. Or perhaps to create a Proxy Auto-Config (.pac) file which redirected only certain URLs to the proxy -- it is possible to arrange to load those from a local file instead of a web URL.

ETA, 2017-04-03: Inevitably, given that the support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS runs out this month, the client upgraded to the bastion host Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (but not Ubuntu 16.04 LTS; presumably due to being a smaller jump). This brings in Apache 2.4 instead of Apache 2.2, which brings in a non-trivial changes in configuration syntax.

The incremental differences are relatively small though, for a basic config. You need to load a couple of additional modules:

# Apache 2.4 worker
LoadModule mpm_worker_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

LoadModule authz_core_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

and change the Proxy authorization section to be:

Require ip

rather than "Order Deny, Allow", "Deny from all", "Allow from".

It is now also possible to use additional proxy directives including:

ProxyAddHeaders On
ProxySourceAddress A.B.C.D

but these are optional. With those changes the same minimal configuration approach should work with Apache 2.4.

(Full Apache 2.4 example config.)