
Almost 32 years ago (on 1986-04-30), after much begging, my parents bought an Amstrad CPC6128 with an Amstrad GT65 Green Screen Monitor from Porterfield Computers Ltd in Wellington. Together with a word processor (Tasword 6128), the Pitman Typing Tutor, and two 3" Floppy Discs (narrower than the much more common 3.5" floppy discs), this all cost NZ$1500.65 -- in 1986 dollars (over NZ$3500 in 2017 dollars, according to the Reserve Bank Inflation Calculator; also packing slip from Grandstand). An Amstrad DMP-2000 printer came a week later, for NZ$695.00 (again 1986 dollars; over NZ$1600 in 2017 dollars), and about a year later an Amstrad FD1 3" external second drive for NZ$299.00 (in 1987; around NZ$700 in 2017 dollars).

For a middle class family in New Zealand in the 1980s that was quite a bit of money. It changed my life forever. While it was originally a "family" computer, it fairly rapidly became my computer, because I was the one using it all the time.

I learnt to touch type on the Amstrad CPC, learnt to program on the Amstrad CPC, and even learnt about computer hardware from expanding the Amstrad CPC6128. For about 6-7 years the Amstrad CPC6128 was my "everyday" computer -- a long time for any computer, and an especially long time when the personal computer market was changing so rapidly. Over the years I added two Dk'tronics 256KiB Memory Expansion modules (for a total of 576KiB -- bank switched on a 8-bit microprocessor! -- as the first 64KiB of the expansion overlaid the second 64KiB on the Amstrad CPC6128), an Amstrad Serial Interface, an external 5.25" floppy drive and even a MFM hard drive via a SCSI controller board and a home built SCSI adapter.

The Amstrad Serial Interface (and the poor software with it, that could not even keep up with 2400bps let alone display IBM PC extended characters and formatting) led to me write EwenTerm, the largest Z80 Assembler program that I wrote (and one I used daily for several years to keep up with multiple BBSes) -- which also changed my life forever). EwenTerm's source was also the basis of Glenn Wilton's BBS Terminal, developed by another Wellington, New Zealand local. Glenn took the source I wrote and polished it into a more useful communication program, including file transfers (EwenTerm development basically stopped once I had reliable "ANSI terminal" functionality working).

(For several years I had "EwenTerm" online with a URL that suggested it was "ansiterm" -- a URL I had chosen because the program did not really have a name and was written to be an ANSI terminal. More recently this has led to some confusion, as there was an AnsiTerm by Paul Martin, which was well reviewed in Amstrad Computer User Issue 4 on pages 48 and 49, but seems to be a different program, independently developed at about the same time. Unfortunately I appear to have added to the confusion by responding to an email from Kevin Thacker saying "I would like to contact Ewen McNeill concerning his program for the Amstrad CPC called 'Ansiterm'." with the link to my software, resulting in an AnsiTerm page on the CPC that links to both my EwenTerm source and the review about Paul Martin's AnsiTerm. I have emailed Kevin Thacker again to try to get this corrected, and it appears to be corrected there too now.)

The hard drive leads us to our story today. Around 1989 I bought a second hand ST-506 interface MFM hard drive to add to my Amstrad CPC6128. It was 10MB, and even second hand cost a few hundred dollars. The Amstrad CPC6128 did not have a hard drive interface (although various third parties created some later), but I eventually found out about SCSI to MFM Controller cards and ordered one of those second hand (from the USA). Then to link the Amstrad CPC6128 to the SCSI 1 interface I built a simple adapter card that plugged into the Amstrad CPC6128 expansion interface. On a 4MHz Z80 CPU reaching even the 3.5MB/s to 5MB/s of SCSI 1 was a challenge, but due to the buffering in the SCSI to MFM controller, it worked although probably not as fast as the controller and drive were capable of working.

I used the hard drive on the Amstrad CPC6128, under CP/M Plus along with the two Dk'tronics RAM expansion modules, and CP/M BIOS extensions written by Bevan Arps (then of Christchurch, New Zealand) for a couple of years, from around 1991 to 1993. Eventually the call of IBM PC Compatible hardware became too strong, and I put together the first of many PC Compatible machines -- from second hand parts -- which gradually supplanted my Amstrad CPC6128 as my "daily compute".

Floppy disc backup

In the middle of 1993 I made a backup of my Amstrad CPC6128 hard drive, onto floppy disks, and then on 1994-03-31 (date I wrote on the box!) the Amstrad CPC was packed away in boxes. I got those boxes out about 14 years ago -- in 2004 -- and made an attempt at transferring some of the floppy disks onto a PC, but between issues with reading the floppy disks (due to age), and difficulty reading the contents of the floppy disks (due to CP/M file formats) that project gradually got overtaken by events and sat on the hard drive of one of my Linux machines for a decade.

Several recent events encouraged me to take another look, including randomly being given a second Amstrad CPC6128 at a conference earlier this year, as well as being contacted by Kevin Thacker about AnsiTerm, and Jason Scott's repeated encouragement to Close the Air Gap and get things online (someone "closing the air gap" gave us the Walnut Creek CP/M CDROM from 1994 back again -- I bought a copy of it in 1994 when it came out, but somewhere in the last decade I put it "somewhere safe" and cannot remember where that is... :-( ).

Fortunately the backup of my Amstrad CPC6128 hard drive was one of the sets of disks where I managed to copy all the backup disks that I could find into disk images back in 2004, so the "air gap" had already been closed -- they just had not been unpacked. (Unfortunately I could find only discs 1/11 to 11/15, suggesting that 4 discs are missing -- but I no longer remember if there ended up being 11 discs total or 15 discs total. It appears maybe the disks were re-used from an earlier backup, which maybe did require 15 disks.)

Unfortunately, the backups were on 5.25" double sided floppy discs in an extended disc format for Nigdos, developed in New Zealand, with CP/M Plus support released on WACCI PD Disc 7. There is also a NigDos 2.24 ROM image available, but that has no documentation. It seemed like extracting the data from the backup disks would be non-trivial.

It turned out that WACCI PD Disk 7 can be downloaded (Side A CRC A2CDE9B5; Side B CRC 12FEA3FC; two 180KiB disk images). The disk image checksums can be checked with crc32:

ewen@linux:~$ crc32 *
a2cde9b5    WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.dsk
12fea3fc    WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B.dsk

which match the ones listed on the download page.)

So I thought it was worth reading those disks to see if I could find out any more information about the disk format used.

Side quest: Accessing Amstrad CPC .dsk files

Which means that we get to find out (again!) how to read files from Amstrad CPC .dsk images on Linux. There seem to be a few options:

As it turns out the .dsk images downloaded above were created with SamDisk, and appear to be unreadable with anything other than SamDisk. So in order to extract them we need to use SamDisk to convert them. (I did try converting them with dskconv from libdsk, but it also was unable to read them :-( I am unclear how SamDisk extended the extended disk format, but the extension appears to confuse other tools...).

However SamDisk works with full disk images, rather than the file system within the disk image, so it cannot extract the files from the disk image. Which means that we need to use SamDisk to convert the disk image to something that we can read with another tool. The output formats of SamDisk are relatively limited -- it will write .dsk files, but it appears only in its Extended format, which is what we already have.

After conversion to a .raw file, we can then use cpmtools to read files out of the disk image.


To build SamDisk:

git clone git clone
cd samdisk
sudo apt-get install cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TARGET=Release .

which after a while, will give us a samdisk binary, that can be installed with:

sudo make install

(The build takes a couple of minutes as SamDisk is written in C++ which always compiles relatively slowly on Linux.)

After installaton, we can test that it recognises the disk images with:

samdisk dir WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.dsk

and then convert them to .raw disk images (ie, no sector headers) which cpmtools can read with:

samdisk copy WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.dsk WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.raw
samdisk copy WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B.dsk WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B.raw

There is a complaint on these files that "source missing 27 sectors from 43/1/9/512 regular format", but this appears to be due to the .dsk headers indicating there are 43 tracks, but the actual data contains only the standard 40 tracks, so I ignored it.


cpmtools has been packaged in Debian Linux for years, so once we have a .raw image file, we can just use the packaged version directly and specify the implicit disk format of the sectors. To do this:

sudo apt-get install cpmtools
cpmls -f cpcdata WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.raw
cpmls -f cpcdata WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B.raw
(mkdir side-a && cd side-a && cpmcp -f cpcdata ../WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.raw 0:* .)
(mkdir side-b && cd side-b && cpmcp -f cpcdata ../WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B.raw 0:* .)

Other tools

Ultimately SamDisk and cpmtools was the only combination that worked with the *.dsk files that I had downloaded (imaged by SamDisk). But I did try several of the other tools listed above before determining this, and record how to build them, so I am keeping those details below for future reference. They do appear to work with other .dsk images, presumably those extracted earlier or with different tools.


To build dskinfo:

cd dskinfo
mv makefile Makefile
rm -f dskinfo *.o

which builds a single dskinfo binary in the source directory (and the archive ships with a pre-built version, built in 2011).

dskinfo usage is simple:

dskinfo disk_image.dsk

dskinfo outputs verbose (!) information about the sectors in the .dsk file, but also confirms that it is an "Extended CPCEMU style" .dsk file image. However the tool just outputs metadata; it does not actually read the data out of the disk.


Encouraged by that I built cpcxfs:

cd cpcxfs/src
mv makefile.lnx Makefile
make clean

(There are lots of warnings, mostly about const safeness and signedness safeness, but it does build.)

cpcxfs usage is either via the command line or interactive (if run without a command it goes into interactive mode). To use from the command line:

  • List files on disk: cpcxfs DISK_IMAGE.dsk -d

  • Put a file on the disk: cpcxfs DISK_IMAGE.dsk -g ...

  • Get a file from the disk: cpcxfs DISK_IMAGE.dsk -p ...

  • Put multiple files on the disk: cpcxfs DISK_IMAGE.dsk -mg ...

  • Get multiple files from the disk: cpcxfs DISK_IMAGE.dsk -mp ...

(-mg and -mp take CP/M style wildcards, eg, *.*; -g and -p take single filenames.)

Unfortunately (a) cpcxfs also does not support the "Extended CPCEMU style" .dsk format, at least as used in the WACCI PD Disk 7 .dsk files created by SamDisk that I downloaded, and (b) it will complain it cannot open the disk image, even for a directory listing, if the file is write protected which seems unfortunate.

The lack of support for (all? some?) Extended CPCEMU style disk images is particularly unfortunate as Kevin Thacker (who released cpcxfs) is one of the creators of the Amstrad CPCEMU Extended Disk Format.

That format information helped me confirm that the WACCI PD .dsk images I had downloaded were created with SamDisk under Microsoft Windows, because "SAMdisk130107" appears in the .dsk image header. Given that these disks were public domain disks the use of the "Extended" .dsk format appears to be accidental (the "Extended" .dsk format was intended for copy protected disks), but one needs to work with what one can find. And unfortunately those .dsk images appear to be the only one available online. (SamDisk supports a lot of formats.)


To build iDSK:

tar -xzf iDSK.0.13-src.tgz
cd iDSK.0.13/iDSK
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make clean    # the downloaded archive includes .o files

Then the resulting binary is in src/iDSK which you could copy somewhere on your PATH manually, or use sudo make install (which appears to contain a lot of shell magic to do the same thing).

iDSK is written in French, including French help, but the commands are fairly obvious from context:

  • List files on disk: iDSK disk_image.dsk -l

  • Import file: iDSK -i file.bin -t 1 -s disk_image.dsk

  • Export file: iDSK -g file.bas -s disk_image.dsk

where the "type" (-t) is 0 for ASCII and 1 for binary.

Unfortunately iDSK did not support the Amstrad/Spectrum Extended .DSK data files used by the WACCI PD Disk files I downloaded so it was not useful to me here, and since the output is in French (which I do not read very well) I am more likely to use other tools.


To build libdsk:

tar -xzf libdsk-1.5.8.tar.gz
cd libdsk-1.5.8
automake --add-missing
./configure --prefix=/usr/local

That then gives a library, and a series of tools:

  • dskconv: disk image conversion (new in 1.5.x)

  • dskdump: sector level copy from disk/image to another disk/image

  • dskform: format a floppy disk/image

  • dskid: identify a floppy disk/image

  • dskscan: scan a floppy disk for sectors

  • dsktrans: transfer from one disk/image to another disk/image

  • dskutil: a sector editor

which can be installed into /usr/local/ by running:

sudo make install

To actually run them on modern Linux it is necessary to ensure they can find the shared library:

echo /usr/local/lib | sudo tee /etc/
sudo ldconfig

After that, in theory we can use dskconv (from the libdsk 1.5.x series) to convert from the Extended .dsk image file to a standard .dsk image file. There is no man page for dskconv yet, so the help is just output by running the raw command:

ewen@linux:/var/tmp/amstrad$ dskconv
      dskconv {options} in-image out-image

Options are:
-itype <type>   type of input disc image
-otype <type>   type of output disc image
                'dskconv -types' lists valid types.
-format         Force a specified format name
                'dskconv -formats' lists valid formats.

Default in-image type is autodetect.
Default out-image type is LDBS.

eg: dskconv diag800b._01 diag800b.ldbs
    dskconv -otype raw diag800b._01 diag800b.ufi

The supported image file types are:

ewen@linux:/var/tmp/amstrad$ dskconv -types
Disk image types supported:

   remote     : Remote LibDsk instance
   rcpmfs     : Reverse CP/MFS driver
   floppy     : Linux floppy driver
   dsk        : CPCEMU .DSK driver
   edsk       : Extended .DSK driver
   apridisk   : APRIDISK file driver
   copyqm     : CopyQM file driver
   tele       : TeleDisk file driver
   ldbs       : LibDsk block store
   qrst       : Quick Release Sector Transfer
   imd        : IMD file driver
   ydsk       : YAZE YDSK driver
   raw        : Raw file driver (alternate sides)
   rawoo      : Raw file driver (out and out)
   rawob      : Raw file driver (out and back)
   myz80      : MYZ80 hard drive driver
   simh       : SIMH disc image driver
   nanowasp   : NanoWasp image file driver
   logical    : Raw file logical sector order
   jv3        : JV3 file driver
   cfi        : CFI file driver

And we could in theory convert a disk image with:

mkdir edsk dsk
# Put source files in edsk
dskconv -otype dsk edsk/WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.dsk dsk/WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-A.dsk

but unfortunately libdsk also reports the disk image is unreadable :-(

At this point I looked harder at SamDisk and discovered that there was source for a development version on GitHub, so built that and used SamDisk and cpmtools to extract the files (as described above). It appears that SamDisk (and maybe some emulators) support an Extended Extended version of the .dsk format, and relatively few other tools support that specific format.


More searching turned up DiskImager, which looks like it should be able to visualise the extended .dsk files, and is written using the Lazarus FreePascal system (a Delphi-compatible free IDE). It does not support file extraction directly, but it appears it can convert between Extended and Standard .dsk file formats. Because of the need to install a custom development environment I decided to skip past this one for now (but it does look very useful for preservation work). Because I have not tried it I do not know if it supports the same Extended .dsk format variations as SamDisk.


Other searching turned up dsktools originally written by Andreas Micklei), and originally released on SourceForge and Berlios (now gone). The most recent version of dsktools is on GitHub

To build dsktools:

git clone
cd dsktools/dsktools
make clean     # Ignore errors of files not existing

(Due to the way that the source was rescued from Berlios, both the git repository and the directory are called dsktools, so there is effectively a second level in the git repository.)

This gives two tools dskread and dskwrite, which can be installed in /usr/local/bin with:

sudo make install

Usage is dskread and dskwrite, but they will only read from /dev/fd0 and write to /dev/fd0, so they are not useful for working with already imaged .dsk files :-(

Back to the main quest: reading the NigDos backups

Nigdos disk format

As mentioned above, I previously imaged the NigDos backup floppies on Linux with a simple C program (readnigdos -- readnigdos.c, and Makefile) that read raw sectors using the Linux floppy driver and output the raw sector data to a file, in the order I believed was in use.

"format.doc" and "extdisc.doc" from the WACCI-PD-Disc-07-Side-B extracted above (with SamDisk and cpmtools) give information on the NigDos formats:

The Extra Formats you can create are as follows:

        Name:                          Usable Space:

     V  Vendor Format                      169K
     D  Data Format                        178K
     P  PCW A Drive Format                 173K
     B  Nigdos Big Format                  208K
     T  Nigdos Two Side Format             416K
     C  CPM Big Format                     416K
     L  CPM Large Format                   716K
     H  CPM Huge Format                    816K

and that reminded me that the most likely format was the "Nigdos Big Format". But it provided no information on the precise layout of the disk format.

From my earlier guesses when I wrote readnigdos (14 years ago!), I believe the Nigdos Big Format is:

  • 512 byte sectors (size_ind=2 in CP/M terminology)

  • 10 sectors per track, numbered 0x91 to 0x9a (following the Amstrad CPC convention of using the sector number as a hint of the format)

  • 42 tracks per side (numbered 0 through 41)

  • 2 sides (0 and 1)

  • Tracks ordered "out then out", ie all of side 0 is used and then all of side 1 is used, ie:

    Track 0, Side 0
    Track 1, Side 0
    Track 2, Side 0
    Track 41, Side 0
    Track 0, Side 1
    Track 1, Side 1
    Track 2, Side 1
    Track 41, Side 1

I actually tried asking Bevan Arps if he remembered the track layout, but after 25 years he was guessing as much as I was. Bevan's thought was that it was probably alternating sides -- ie Track 0, Side 0 then Track 0, Side 1, to reduce seeking, and that probably would have been my first guess too for the same reason. However it turns out that both were supported -- "NigDos 420K Double Sided" was "all side 0 then all side 1" (in order, as above), with sectors 0x91 to 0x9a, and "CPM 420K Double Sided" was "interleaved side 0 and side 1" as we first guessed, with sectors 0xa1 to 0xaa (see end of blog post for some more detail).

Having actually installed cpmtools (above), it turned out that one of its disk definitions (in /etc/cpmtools/diskdefs) included the Nigdos format:

diskdef nigdos
  seclen 512
  # NigDos double sided disk format, 42 tracks * 2 sides
  tracks 84
  sectrk 10
  blocksize 2048
  maxdir 128
  skew 1
  boottrk 0
  # this format wastes half of the directory entry
  logicalextents 1
  os 3

which seemed to match what I had detected (512 bytes * 10 sectors/track * 42 tracks/side * 2 sides = 430080 bytes; 512 bytes * 10 sectors/track * 84 tracks = 430080). That means that assuming the tracks are in the right order in the disk image file cpmtools should be able to extract the files out of the backups. (And I would assume for both "NigDos 420K" and "CPM 420K" assuming the tracks off the floppy disk end up in the image file in logical order rather than physical order.)

I believe the comment that "this format wastes half of the directory entry" relates to using 16-bit block numbers, rather than the 8-bit block numbers which would be sufficient for a 420KiB floppy disk using 2KiB blocks. This appears to have happened for backwards compatibility, and compatibility with the larger formats (eg, 716KiB and 816KiB above) which had over 256 * 2 KiB blocks and thus did need the 16-bit block numbers. In practice there were sufficiently many directory entires, and sufficiently little space, that running out of directory entries was not a problem in practice; it is just an odd data recovery quirk to be aware of later.

Reading the backup disk images

According to the notes from the disk labels (which fortunately I also transcribed back in 2004) the backups contained:

  • User 0: disks 1-5

  • User 1: disks 5-9

  • User 2: disk 9

  • User 3: disk 9-10

  • User 4: disk 10-11 (and implicitly 12/13, but I could not find them back in 2004 when I imaged the backup floppy discs)

This tends to suggest that some files will be missing from the backup :-( (At least unless I eventually find the missing floppies, and they are still readable 25 years later.) However the last disk is not full (and still contains "deleted" data) so possibly these were old backup disks that were overwritten but the labels never updated to indicate that fewer disks were required.

Anyway I could list the files on the backup disks with:

for DISK_IMAGE in *.nigdos; do
    cpmls -f nigdos -F "${DISK_IMAGE}"

which gave sensible output, although only about 400 files in total. However 11 disks at 420KiB each works out to about 4.5MiB, which is roughly the portion of the hard drive I made available (because some information from the hard drive tables needed to be held in RAM, and holding more in RAM took up too much of the Amstrad CPC RAM space -- so I only ever made 5MiB available). Certainly the disk images seemed to all have 370-400KiB used.

I believe that cpmls will by default list the files in all users areas. That, plus scanning the CP/M directories in the "hexdump -C" output suggested that all the files on the backups were in User 0 of the floppy disks.

So I extracted all the files into a specific directory per disk with:

for DISK in $(seq -f "%02.0f" 1 11); do
    (mkdir -p "${DISK}" && cd "${DISK}" &&
     cpmcp -f nigdos -p ../"cpc-hd-backup-1993-06-19-disk-${DISK}-of-15.nigdos" "0:*" .)

and then zipped that into a more modern archive for future reference:

zip -9r [01]*

Looking through the backup it appears that it is mostly CP/M programs which were the main thing I would have been likely to store on the hard drive rather than the floppy drive. But there are few other gems included in there.

It appears that the files have been extracted properly, but the only easy way to tell is by reading text files, and looking for files stored with checksums (.ark/.arc, .zoo, .zip, etc).

Reading .ark/.arc files (the original System Enhancement Associates archive format) on Linux is possible with nomarch:

sudo apt-get install nomarch
nomarch -l ARCHIVE    # List files
nomarch -t ARCHIVE    # Test checksums of files in archive

Confirming the NigDos Double Sided Format (sectors 0x91 to 0x9a)

One of the gems from looking around was the source code to Bevan Arp's format, extdisc, etc, that he had apparently sent to me in 1989. So I sent that back to him. It seemed only fair :-)

The "extdisc" source file contained the definitions of the extra floppy disk formats:

DataFormat      equ   0
Block2K         equ 128
Sectors10       equ  32
Tracks8082      equ  64
NigDos          equ  16
Interlace       equ   4
TwoSideRev      equ   8
TwoSideNorm     equ  12
Reserve1Track   equ   1
Reserve2Track   equ   2

; Format Of Data

;               byte FirstSectorNumber
;               byte Flags
;               word DiscSpace


; NigDos 420K Double Sided

                byte &91
                byte DataFormat+Sectors10+NigDos+TwoSideNorm+Block2K
                word &d1

; CPM 420K Double Sided

                byte &a1
                byte DataFormat+Sectors10+Interlace+Block2K
                word &d1

The "SetFormat" routine in that source ends up rotating the flags values twice ("rra; rra" in Z80 assembly), and then storing them in the Amstrad Extended Disk Parameter Block (XDPB) as the "sidedness" field -- which is called "SID" in the source code.

As described in the XDPB documentation)

DEFB        sidedness
                        ;Bits 0-1:  0 => Single sided
                        ;           1 => Double sided, flip sides
                        ;              ie track   0 is cylinder   0 head 0
                        ;                 track   1 is cylinder   0 head 1
                        ;                 track   2 is cylinder   1 head 0
                        ;               ...
                        ;                 track n-1 is cylinder n/2 head 0
                        ;                 track   n is cylinder n/2 head 1
                        ;           2 => Double sided, up and over
                        ;              ie track   0 is cylinder 0 head 0
                        ;                 track   1 is cylinder 1 head 0
                        ;                 track   2 is cylinder 2 head 0
                        ;               ...
                        ;                 track n-2 is cylinder 2 head 1
                        ;                 track n-1 is cylinder 1 head 1
                        ;                 track   n is cylinder 0 head 1

which means:

  • "4" (Interlace) turns into "1" when rotated right twice, and so is interleaved/interlaced;

  • "8" (TwoSideRev) turns into "2" when rotated right twice, and so is up/over/back

  • "12" (TwoSideNorm) turns into "3" when rotated twice, and is specially handled in the patched "TranslateTrack in the source code, to implement "out and out", the format that I had guessed (it skips over the Interleave routine, and then skips over the "Up and Over" track number reversal logic, resulting in just "track = track - tracks_per_side").

This confirms my guesses that the disk format that I had uses all of side 0 in order, then all of side 1 in order, which means my readnigdos.c implements the right logic for the sector values it is reading.


Overall this was a long adventure (14+ years if you count from when the floppy disks were read in; 25+ years from when they were written), but I appear to have successfully recovered about 4.5MB of data backed up from my CP/M hard drive, to explore later. I have also confirmed the format of the "NigDos 420K Two Sided" floppy disks that I created, which gives me confidence to recover data from the other floppy disk images I made in 2004. And I have several tools to extract files from Amstrad CPC .dsk files produced in various eras with various tools. Overall a very successful quest, but rather time consuming!

ETA, 2018-03-05: History of Amstrad CPC464 creation -- the first model, that led to the Amstrad CPC6128 a year or so later. (Archived Version Page 1 and Page 2)

ETA, 2018-03-11: Added date Amstrad CPC was packed away.

ETA, 2018-07-12: This blog post was mentioned on the CPC Wiki Forum. The amstrad tag has links to other posts about recovering Amstrad CPC data.